English (ENG)

ENG 101  Rhetoric & Writing I (GT-CO1)  3(3-0)  

Fall, Spring, Summer.
Emphasis on critical thinking, reading, and writing clear and coherent essays that reflect an understanding of the writing process, rhetorical analysis, argumentation, and academic discourse.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 102  Rhetoric & Writing II (GT-CO2)  3(3-0)  

Fall, Spring, Summer.
Sequential course providing continued engagement with critical thinking, reading, argumentation, and using rhetorical techniques in academic writing. Emphasis on research strategies.
Prerequisite: ENG 101.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: ENG 101 must have earned a grade of C or better.

ENG 106  (ANTH 106)  Language, Thought and Culture  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Cross-cultural introduction to language processes in human society.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.
(Gen Ed: SS) (CC)

ENG 114  Introduction to Creative Writing (GT-AH1)  3(3-0)  

Fall, Spring.
An introduction to poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction writing, stressing honest and clear writing and heightened critical thinking skills within a workshop setting.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.
(Gen Ed: H, GT-AH1) (CC)

ENG 115  Intro Tech Prof Writing GT-CO2  3(3-0)  

Fall, Spring, Summer.
Course builds upon critical thinking, reading, and writing learned in ENG 101, with specific focus on the genre of technical communication and research.
Prerequisite: ENG 101.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 117  Intro. Scientific/Medical Writing (GT-CO2)  3(3-0)  

Fall, Spring, Summer.
Course builds upon critical thinking, reading, and writing learned in ENG 101, with specific focus on the genre of scientific and medical communication and research.
Prerequisite: ENG 101.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 130  Introduction to Literature (GT-AH2)  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduction to the three major literary genres: fiction, poetry, and drama. The main emphasis is on close reading and textual analysis.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.
(Gen Ed: H, GT-AH2)

ENG 201  Introduction to Literary Theory  (3 V)  

As Needed.
Introduction to literary genres, major periods and writers, close reading and textual analysis, modern literary criticism, and research methods.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 204  (CID 204)  Introduction to Rhetoric  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Provides an introduction to the rhetorical tradition in relationship to the needs of various cultural, technological, and professional contexts.
Prerequisites: None.
Corequisites: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 210  American Literature I  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Literature and literary history of America to 1865.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 212  American Literature II  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Literature and literary history of America from 1865 to the present.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 220  (CS 220)  Survey of Chicano Literature (GT-AH2)  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Survey of outstanding contemporary Chicano works. Literature deals with Chicano themes, including analysis of folklore and myth.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.
(Gen Ed: H, GT-AH2) (CC)

ENG 221  Masterpieces of Literature I (GT-AH2)  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Significant writings in world literature from the ancients through the Renaissance and their backgrounds.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.
(Gen Ed: H, GT-AH2)

ENG 222  Masterpieces of Literature II (GT-AH2)  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Significant writings in world literature from the seventeenth century to the present and their backgrounds.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.
(Gen Ed: H, GT-AH2)

ENG 231  Literature of England I  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Literature and literary history of England from the Anglo-Saxon Period through the 18th Century.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 232  Literature of England II  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Literature and literary history of England in the Romantic, Victorian and Modern Periods.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 240  Multi-Ethnic American Literature (GT-AH2)  (3 V)  

As Needed.
This course provides an introduction to the literature of four major ethnic groups in the U.S.: Native American, African American, Chicano, and Asian American.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.
(Gen Ed: H, GT-AH2) (CC)

ENG 241  (WS 241)  Women in Literature  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Intensive study of literature written by women, in historical, cultural, and critical contexts.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 291  Special Topics  (1-3 V)  

As Needed.
Special Topics.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 302  Grant Writing  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Examines the strategies involved in professional grant writing. Students will produce and submit grant proposals in response to actual request for proposals.
Prerequisite: ENG 101 and ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 303  Advanced Rhetoric & Writing  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Advanced persuasive writing, including rhetoric and grammar.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 305  Technical and Scientific Report Writing  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Emphasis on discrete professional formats and styles in writing manuals, proposals, government contracts and reports. For upperclassmen in technical and professional fields.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 306  Visual Rhetoric  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Rhetorical analysis through visual modes of communication; creation and manipulation of visual messages for a variety of audiences, purposes, situations.
Prerequisite: ENG 204.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 310  Literary Forms & Genres  (3 V)  

As Needed.
Analyzes published writers, creative writing, and craft through writing based on the study and theory of a specified genre or form.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 315  Creative Writing: Poetry  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduction to writing poetry. A studio workshop for students to grow in their appreciation of poetic processes.
Prerequisite: ENG 114.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 316  Creative Writing: Fiction  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduction to creating character, situation, and overall structure, emphasis on imaginative and real-life portrayal.
Prerequisite: ENG 114.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 317  Creative Nonfiction  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduction to writing the reflective essay.
Prerequisite: ENG 114.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 318  Creative Writing: Drama  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduction to playwriting. Composition of a one-act play and development of creative and critical thinking through the study of major playwrights.
Prerequisite: ENG 114.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 319  Professional Editing  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Acquaints students with current practices in editing/publishing. Students will learn to make texts readable and conform to conventions of editing in a variety of disciplines.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 328  Contemporary Literature  (3 V)  

As Needed.
Advanced study of a focused topic in contemporary literature (genre, theme, or set of related texts), in historical, cultural, and critical contexts.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 352  English Syntax and Usage  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
English usage and language systems, emphasis on forms and functions of language analysis.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 360  Historical Perspectives in American Literature  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Advanced study of a focused topic in American literature, (genre, theme, or set of related texts), in historical, cultural, and critical contexts.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (12).

ENG 361  Historical Perspectives in Western Literature  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Advanced study of a focused topic in Western literature (genre, theme, or set of related texts), in historical, cultural, and critical contexts.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (12).

ENG 362  Historical Perspectives in Non-Western Literature  (3 V)  

As Needed.
Advanced study of a focused topic in Non-Western literature (genre, theme, or set of related texts), in historical, cultural, and critical contexts.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (12).

ENG 412  Young Adult Literature  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Literature suitable for adolescents, including classical and contemporary authors, and issues in selection and evaluation.
Prerequisite: ENG 102 or ENG 115 or ENG 117.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 414  Advanced Creative Writing Workshop  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Development of students' best writings in workshop format in preparation for graduate school and/or publication. A genre-specific focus is required upon enrollment.
Prerequisite: ENG 114 and ENG 315 or ENG 316 or ENG 317 or ENG 318.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 441  Chaucer and His Age  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Chaucer and his contemporaries in their cultural and historical setting.
Prerequisite: ENG 201 or ENG 102 and HIST 102.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 445  Magazine Editing and Production  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Writing, editing, and design for printing and Web publication of a general-circulation regional magazine.
Prerequisite: ENG 440 or MC 304 or 311 or 440.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Permission of the instructor.

ENG 481  Shakespeare  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Representative works in various genres, with attention to cultural and critical contexts.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 484  Studies in Major Writers  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Intensive study of a major writer or writers in historical, cultural, and critical contexts.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 485  Literary Criticism and Theory  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Traditional and contemporary critical theories of literature and their applications.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 491  Special Topics  (1-3 V)  

As Needed.
Special Topics.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 492  Research  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduces theory and methods of conducting research in rhetoric and literary studies.
Prerequisite: ENG 201.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 493  Senior Seminar  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
In-depth analysis of specific topics, themes, authors, and works in American, English or world literature.
Prerequisite: ENG 485.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 494  Field Experience  (1-5 V)  

As Needed.
A semester-long internship. Student performs professional duties using English-related skills required by the cooperating agencies.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 495  Independent Study  (1-3 V)  

As Needed.
Directed, intensive study and guidance in studying major literary figures or movements, arranged with the chair of the department.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 501  Theories of Writing  3(3-0)  

Provides an introduction to and survey of modern writing theory. The course prepares students to apply theoretical principles to the practical concerns of writing pedagogy.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: ENG 502.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 502  Research Methods  3(3-0)  

Introduces students to diverse opportunities for research methodology and academic discourse in English studies.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: ENG 501.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 503  Literary Theory  3(3-0)  

An introduction to contempory literary and critical theory in English studies.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 511  Major Authors  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Intensive study of the works of one or two major authors.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 512  Literature Survey  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Synthesis of literary attitudes, modes, genres of an age.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 522  Phonology & Morphology For ESL/EFL  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduction to English phonology, morphology, and morpho-syntax relevant to ESL/EFL teaching.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 523  (CLDE 523)  Syntax for TESL/TEFL  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Introduction to English syntactic structures relevant to ESL/EFL teaching. Includes an examination of core English structures from various perspectives.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 525  Foundations of Technical Comm.  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Exploration of the theories, research methodologies, pedagogy, and practices of technical communication.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 527  Graduate Creative Writing Workshop  (3 V)  

As Needed.
Group discussion of original student work, emphasizing plot, characterization, style, structure, theory, and other creative writing elements.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 530  (CLDE 530)  Language Acquisition & Linguistics  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Development of English language from childhood through adulthood, including phonology, grammar, vocabulary, and communicative competence. Acquisition of English as a second language.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 553  (CLDE 553)  Language in the USA  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Explores language use in the U.S. and examines current language-related myths and issues in the U.S., including issues related to indigenous languages and immigrant languages.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: None.

ENG 578  Workshop in the Teaching of Writing  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Theories of composition, methods, sources and resources for teachers of writing.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Graduate standing.

ENG 589  Directed Study for MA Exams  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Directed study with student's advisor to prepare for taking MA exams that semester.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Graduate Standing and permission of instructor. Repeatable (6).

ENG 591  Special Topics  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Varied topics covering cultural or historical areas, or literacy and discourse theory and practice, or professional pedagogical issues.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Repeatable (99).

ENG 594  Field Experience  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Designed to prepare students for, and support them through their first semester as a teaching assistant at CSUP.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Approval of instructor. Repeatable (99).

ENG 595  Independent Study  (1-5 V)  

As Needed.
Students will work with a professor in the department in order to create a rigorous course schedule on a topic of their choosing.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Approval of instructor. Repeatable (99).

ENG 598  Internship  (1-5 V)  

As Needed.
Students who have sought and received an internship in the field of English Studies will work with their advisor in order to set expectations.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Approval of instructor. Repeatable (99).

ENG 599  Thesis Research  3(3-0)  

As Needed.
Thesis Research.
Prerequisite: ENG 501 and ENG 502.
Corequisite: None.
Registration Information: Approval of instructor. Repeatable (6).