Disability Resources

Disability Resources assists in arranging reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Such accommodations include but are not limited to adjustments to course policies, modification of testing procedures, and the provision of accessible course materials. Students with disabilities may also make requests for reasonable accommodations for non-academic services and opportunities, such as student housing.

Students must meet with Disability Resources staff to discuss accessibility needs, complete an application for services, and provide documentation of a disability. Through an interactive process with the student, the DRSC determines what accommodations will be approved and will notify students' instructors as directed by the student. More information about the process can be found on the Disability Resources website.

Information about students' disabilities is kept confidential per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Students with documented disabilities can contact Disability Resources in person in The Center for Student Support and Advocacy in Occhiato Student Center suite 104, by phone at (719) 549-2648, or by email at csup_dro@csupueblo.edu.

Students requesting academic adjustments due to pregnancy should contact the Office of Institutional Equity (Erin Hager) by calling (719) 549-2210 or emailing erin.hager@csupueblo.edu.