Independent Study Program

Independent Study courses offer students the opportunity to complete print-based or digital correspondence courses, providing students flexibility and convenience. This correspondance (print-based) program is designed for individuals who seek higher education opportunities but are limited by digital or place-bound access. Students who utilize financial aid are required to complete the course in the semester in which they registered. Students who use alternative payment can complete the course at their own pace over a one-year period from the date of enrollment.  Students can enroll at almost any time during the year and study where and when it is convenient.   Courses follow the traditional semester schedule. Independent Study courses are taught by CSU Pueblo academically approved faculty/adjunct members and qualified subject-matter experts who possess both a post-graduate degree and college or university teaching experience in their field. All instructors and curriculum are reviewed and approved by the Department Chair and Dean of the respective departments/colleges. All courses in this program count towards the University's residency requirement.